Interested in a Career In Cybersecurity?

Are you interested in a career in cybersecurity? There are over 300,000 cyber security jobs that are open in the United States, therefore, it is clearly a great time to join an industry that is booming. But where do you start? In order to help close the gap in cybersecurity skills, CyberSeek provides, detailed, actionable […]

Cybersecurity Alert: Formjacking Activity on the Rise

With cryptocurrency value wildly fluctuating, cybercriminals are moving away from cryptojacking and ransomware and finding new ways to make a quick and dirty dollar. Their current scam of choice is formjacking. Formjacking involves the malicious use of JavaScript code to steal financial and personal data, most notably credit card numbers, from payment forms on e-commerce […]

Poor Incident Response: Lessons from Cybersecurity Breaches

When a large-scale cybersecurity breach happens to a big company, it makes your newsfeed. Once the crisis has passed, though, the public tends to forget about what happened and, more importantly, why it happened. Cybersecurity breaches are “teaching moments,” and not just for the companies involved who are scrambling to save data, money, and face, […]


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